Our philosophy is simple. Achieving regulatory compliance through the application of good science, innovative thinking and clarity; ensuring that all submissions are prepared efficiently and to a high standard
Our philosophy is simple. Achieving regulatory compliance through the application of good science, innovative thinking and clarity; ensuring that all submissions are prepared efficiently and to a high standard
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Craig is a senior environmental fate scientist, providing expert advice on the fate and behaviour of plant protection products, biocides and chemicals in the environment.
Craig is an experienced environmental fate scientist and modeller with over 10 years experience in the laboratory. During his career Craig has worked with some of the most challenging agrichemicals which has helped develop his invaluable pragmatic approach to solving problems encountered during the conduct of studies and with interpretation of results.
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Steven is a Senior Consultant for Blue Frog Scientific and has strong experience with REACH regulation. Steven graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Chemistry with Management from Edinburgh University. He has a background in contract research organisations, specialising in environmental fate. After conducting contract research, he moved into role within a regulatory affairs consultancy primarily covering the areas of REACH, BPR and PPP regulations. Steven has acquired a strong background in regulatory affairs, and in technical skills such as data gap analysis, environmental hazard, and risk assessment.
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Ayesha is a technical and financial accountant who joined Blue Frog Scientific in January 2021. Ayesha assists with Blue Frogs Scientific’s Only Representative service, consortium management and support with the day-to-day finances. Ayesha experience varies from assisting with finances from a number of industries and sectors. Ayesha has a strong understanding of regulation in relation to accounting and the regulations in place for data sharing including ECHA and REACH.
Leaving Swansea University with a Master’s in accounting, she is currently progressing towards her Chartered Certified Accountants qualification in order to become ACCA qualified accountant.
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Martin leads Blue Frog's activities in the environmental risk assessments for human and veterinary medicinal products.
Martin is a qualified marine biologist, a graduate of the world leading School of Ocean Sciences at Bangor University. During his career, Martin has gained extensive experience performing GLP-compliant aquatic ecotoxicity studies. He has worked at several contract research organisations, including helping with the set-up of a new testing facility. Martin additionally gained valuable experience in conducting outdoor mesocosm studies, when working at a renowned UK specialist test facility.
Martin joined Blue Frog after a 6 month sabbatical in South East Asia. Martin’s primary focus at Blue Frog is the performance of environmental risk assessments for human and veterinary medicinal products, including placing and monitoring full laboratory testing programs and production of environmental risk assessments reports. Additionally, Martin supports environmental risk assessments and dossier preparation of agrochemicals and has particular experience utilising the FOCUS surface water and groundwater modelling tools.
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Liam is an experienced scientist with over 17 years industrial experience in contract research supporting regulatory requirements for the agrochemical, pharmaceutical and animal health sectors. Liam Burns specialises in environment fate and ecotoxicology within our regulatory teams. Liam graduated from Heriot Watt University with an honour’s degree in Chemistry in 2003 and subsequently worked for several contract research organisations performing laboratory environmental fate and ecotoxicology tests.
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Virginie is a senior regulatory chemist for Blue Frog Scientific. She started her career in industry for 7 years, with development of agricultural products (fertilisers, Natural Defence Stimulator), formulation and related regulations, including Classification/Labelling and Safety data Sheets, where she now has continued 25 years of experience. Virginie then moved to regulatory consultancy, first in Plant Protection Products area, then to Chemicals, managing technical and regulatory aspects for REACh, from testing strategy and monitoring, substance identification to IUCLID dossier compilation. From the variety of products faced, she gained some knowledge in most of chemicals-related legislations. She is also a certified Safety Advisor for transport of dangerous goods (road, classes 3 to 9 but 7).
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John is a Consultant with experience in UK and EU REACH. John is responsible for the management and completion of projects relating to the chemical industry, with experience in the preparation and update of technical dossiers as well as REACH IT account maintenance.
John also has extensive experience in client support, liaising with clients to ensure projects are delivered to satisfy every requirement and are aligned with the appropriate regulatory scheme in the constantly evolving world of chemical regulations.
John graduated with a Masters in Chemistry (MChem) from Newcastle University. He has a background in industry, having previously worked with dyes and inks before transitioning into a career in regulatory affairs.
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Damien is a senior chemical regulatory expert with >20 years’ experience providing strategic, scientific and technical support to the chemical and biocide sectors.
Responsible for scientific and regulatory affairs services to the chemical and biocide industries, Damien provides strategic consultancy for a global Client base for compliance with EU and UK chemical regulations. Designs testing programmes (physical chemistry, toxicology, ecotoxicology, environmental fate, endocrine disruption) and has conducted hazard and risk assessments in support of >100 regulatory dossier submissions in the EU. Provides product defence and advocacy services to companies in support of regulatory processes such as compliance check and evaluation.
Damien co-founded and sits on the Board of Directors of Blue Frog Scientific.
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Having gained a Masters degree in Foreign languages and Civilizations, Estelle has taught in schools up to A level standard and subsequently went on to lecture to undergraduate students. After working in education for 18 years, she chose to retrain in Business Management and Administration.
Meticulous, organized and engaged, Estelle has applied her professional training in working for businesses and associations where her organizing skills, adaptability and mastery of languages have been significant assets in her working environment.
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An expert in environmental hazard and risk assessment with more than 25 years experience in the agrochemical industry.
Nigel has been working on agrochemical ecological risk assessments for over 25 years, with 15 years experience in the laboratory conducting terrestrial ecotoxicology tests with honey bees, non-target arthropods and soil organisms. Furthermore Nigel is a specialist in higher tier studies, such as field tests with non-target arthropods in arable crops; orchards and citrus groves; field and tunnel tests with honey bees; litter bag tests and field tests with worms and other soil macro-organisms. For more than a decade Nigel has established himself as a leading expert in environmental risk assessment for agrochemicals.
Nigel leads the ecotoxicological agrochemical team at Blue Frog Scientific, supporting Clients’ registrations for active ingredients and products in the EU. Nigel is very much “hands on” in his approach, directly getting involved with all aspects, from study design and monitoring to representing the Clients at meetings with regulatory authorities and post submission advocacy.
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With >20 years of experience, Tom has become a recognised expert in environmental risk assessment and is well known in industry for his pioneering approach, particularly with substances with a poor environmental profile.
A veteran of several CROs and consultancies, Tom is one of the co-founders of Blue Frog. Tom believes that the basis of a reliable risk assessment is a blend of science, maths, lateral thinking and creativity.
Tom co-founded and sits on the Board of Directors of Blue Frog Scientific.
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Simon is a Consultant for Blue for Scientific with 7 years regulatory experience. During this time Simon has helped clients with their needs in EU Reach, UK Reach, CLP, BPR, PPR and AICIS. Simon has a MSc (Hons) and PhD in chemistry from the University of Nottingham, throughout his career Simon has used his background to provide expertise on substance characterisation and identification, analytical methods, nanomaterials, polymers, PFAS and water treatment assessments.
Simon works within our specialist services teams, providing read across assessment and in silco assessments.
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Aurélie is a senior regulatory toxicologist for Blue Frog Scientific. Aurélie has a MSc in Health Engineering with a specialisation in Environmental, health and professional risks combined with project management. She has > 10 years’ experience working within consultancy on worldwide chemical regulations. She is experienced in hazard assessment under REACH, from data gap analysis to DNEL derivation, including intelligent testing strategies, read-across justification and study monitoring. Aurélie is skilled in human exposure assessment and specialised in Consumer risk assessment using tools such as Chesar (ECETOC-TRA), AISE-REACT and ConsExpo. She worked on the Tier 2 scenario implementation from ConsExpo to CHESAR in collaboration with ECHA and RIVM (2016). She has a broad expertise in Fragrances. In addition, Aurélie is an experienced multi-project coordinator.
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Rachel is a Senior Consultant for Blue Frog Scientific, with extensive experience working under EU and UK regulations such as REACH, BPR and CLP. Rachel is responsible for the management and delivery of projects for these sectors of the chemical industry, including the preparation and update of technical dossiers, support during evaluation by regulatory authorities and strategic planning to assist companies in navigating the ever-changing regulatory landscape
Rachel is a chemist by training and graduated top of her class from the University of Edinburgh with an MChem in Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry. During her studies, Rachel gained industrial experience developing and validating analytical methods for pharmaceutical intermediates and active ingredients.
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Lauren is an experienced chemical regulatory specialist with a background of working within government regulatory affairs under EU regulations such as BPR and PPP. Lauren started working at HSE for the UK Competent Authority in Chemical Regulation Division in 2016 focusing on human exposure risk assessments and project management, predominantly in Biocides legislation (BPR) but has also worked briefly on EU Agrochemical legislation undertaking Operator Exposure risk assessments. Lauren has experience in preparing regulatory dossiers specific to BPR legislation for Biocides Products and Product families.
Lauren is a graduate of Liverpool John Moores University holding a qualification in Animal behaviour (BSc). She has also gained experience of working in the sector for a chemical manufacturer producing insecticide and rodenticide product types, and looking after the regulatory affairs for EU, and wider EU sales for Rest of the World including South Americas, Africa and Middle East countries.
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Sophie is a toxicologist specialising in reproductive toxicology. Sophie has a BSc in human biology from Queen Margaret University. She has previously worked for a CRO directing GLP compliant developmental and reproductive (DART) studies under chemical and pharmaceutical regulations whilst training newer study directors in the field.
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Keyu is a Graduate Regulatory Scientist for Blue Frog Scientific after her graduation from the University of Edinburgh. Keyu is developing her knowledge, skills and experience related to regulatory affairs consulting and supporting clients under EU and UK regulations such as REACH, BPR and CLP.
Keyu has a BSci Honours degree in Pharmaceutics from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China and an MSc degree in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry. She has extensive experience in medicinal chemistry and laboratory data analysis especially in chromatography, she has designed and carried out a supramolecular metallacage that can act as a catalyst and also an in-vivo delivery system in her latest project.
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Jamie is a Senior Consultant for Blue Frog Scientific with 13 years of experience spanning EU and UK REACH, along with other global regulations (Canada, Australia, US, Philippines), and also GHS, CLP, and classifications for transport (ADR/IMDG/IATA). Outside of registrations and notifications, Jamie has extensive experience of in silico assessment, specifically in relation to skin sensitization for REACH, assessment of toxicological potential of impurities of agrochemical TGAIs, and assessment of metabolites in line with the EFSA guidance on residue definition.
Jamie has a BSc in Chemistry, and an MSc in Drug chemistry from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and a background in analytical chemistry in various industries prior to working in regulatory affairs.
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Isla has over 20 years of experience assisting companies in the chemicals and polymers sector with their regulatory and development needs.
Isla provides REACH and CLP strategy for EU and in particular non-EU companies; helping them navigate both the detailed and high-level requirements for those employed in regulatory/product stewardship, R&D or management. She manages the technical dossier delivery of new and updating projects and tackles substance identity challenges for ECHA Inquiries or evaluations.
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Marianne's research interests have been so far different aspects of environmental hazard and risk assessment of emerging pollutants — metals, ionic liquids, metal nanoparticles, pharmaceuticals, endocrine disrupting chemicals — in soils and aquatic systems. She investigated their impacts on different levels of complexity, i.e. in vitro cytotoxicity studies, single species studies (algae, bacteria, plants and soil invertebrates) up to a community level (soil and freshwater microbial communities).
Further areas focused on are bioavailability of compounds as well as mixture toxicity assessment. Her research career was developed through different academic, NGO and industry funded projects at the Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies, University of Bremen, Germany, and the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Between 2012 and 2014, the NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, UK hosted her EU-funded Marie Curie Fellowship and then employed her as an Ecotoxicologist. She was mainly working on EU funded projects (e.g. NanoFATE, NanoFASE, ACEnano, NanoCommons, GRACIOUS, calibrate, SAbyNA) studying fate and toxicity of nanomaterials to improve environmental effect and risk assessment schemes. Between March 2021 and September 2024 she has worked as a scientific officer at the European Chemicals Agency in Helsinki mainly in the capacity of Nanomaterials Project manager.
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John is a Senior Consultant for Blue Frog Scientific with extensive experience in EU and UK regulations such as REACH and CLP. John is involved in the management of REACH consortia and responsible for Blue Frog Scientific’s Only Representative function under EU and UK REACH, managing regulatory compliance for non-EU and non-UK manufacturers respectively, including but not limited to, strategic planning of dossier updates to ECHA and the HSE, preparation of technical dossiers and downstream user communication.
John graduated with a first class masters in chemistry (MChem) from the University of Huddersfield and has a background in analytical chemistry, including chromatographic, thermal and elemental analysis, before embarking on a career in regulatory affairs.
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Andrea is an experienced ecotoxicologist supporting testing and risk assessment for our Client’s in all sectors of the chemical industry.
Andrea graduated from Heriot-Watt University in 2011 with a first class honours degree in Microbiology. Prior to joining Blue Frog Scientific, Andrea worked for contract research organisations performing a wide variety of GLP-compliant ecotoxicology studies, in particular aquatic toxicity testing of difficult substances, and has also been integral to the design and set-up a new environmental testing facility.
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Kai is a Senior Consultant within Blue Frog focusing on in silico assessment and risk assessment of chemicals, agrochemicals, and biocides.
Kai is also an expert in the toxicity of nanoparticles, prior to joining Blue Frog working on the EU funded NanoTEST project, researching the toxicity and distribution of nanoparticles in a model placental cell line at the Bristol Initiative for Research of Child Health. Kai’s Ph.D, funded by the US-EPA and NERC, focused on the environmental impact of nanomaterials using the model organism Daphnia magna. The aim of the work is to establish common themes in nanomaterial fate, both biologically and within the environment, and their associated toxicity. The aim of the research was to provide a basis for the development of specific risk assessment procedures for nanoparticles.
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Mélissa is a regulatory toxicologist for Blue Frog Scientific. She holds a Master’s Degree in Toxicology, Environment and Health from the Paris Diderot University. Throughout her career in consultancy, she has worked on various European regulations such as REACH, BPR and PPP. She has acquired strong background in hazard assessment, from data gap analysis to DNEL derivation, including testing strategies, redaction of technical dossiers and study monitoring. Mélissa has experience in toxicological classifications according to EU CLP/UN GHS Regulations, including redaction of CLH dossiers. She has experience in human exposure assessment for Consumers and Workers using tools such as Chesar (ECETOC-TRA), ConsExpo, ART and Riskofderm.
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Pauline is a senior regulatory Ecotoxicologist for Blue Frog Scientific. She holds a Master’s Degree in Health Engineering from the faculty pharmacy of Montpellier (France) with a specialisation in environment, health and professional risks combined with project management. Pauline very quicky gained experience in Regulatory Ecotoxicology with more than 10 years of consultancy experience. She has extensive experience in environmental fate and ecotoxicological hazard assessment of Fragrances under the REACH regulation, from data gap analysis to PNECs derivation and PBT/vPvB assessment, including testing strategies, study monitoring and alternative methods (waiving, read-across and in silico approaches). Pauline also has gained experience in Environmental classification according to EU CLP/UN GHS regulations, including redaction of CLH revision dossiers, and in Tier 1 Environmental Risk Assessment.
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Bryony is a Senior Consultant and lead toxicologist for Blue Frog Scientific. With a skillset founded on a BSc in Physiology, MSc in Applied Toxicology and PhD in the reproductive toxicity of engineered nanomaterials, Bryony is a European Registered Toxicologist, with 15 years’ experience working within academia & consultancy. Her experience spans the full stream of human health risk management from hazard identification through to characterization of risk.
In addition, Bryony is an expert in the toxicity of nanoparticles, having worked on numerous nationally and internationally funded projects in the area. These ranged from researching basic nanoparticulate toxicity and the associated in vitro tests for determination of hazard, to designing integrated testing strategies for assessment of risk & providing direct guidance to regulators and standardisation bodies on their inclusion and management within legal frameworks. Her experiences within this rapidly developing field place her in a strong position to deal with the challenging and ever-changing regulatory landscape we exist in today.
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Martyn is a Principal Consultant for Blue Frog Scientific specialising in EU and UK regulations such as REACH, POPs, CWC and the developing PFAS regulatory landscape. Martyn is responsible for the management and delivery of projects for these sectors of the chemical industry. Martyn’s day-to-day activities include supporting stakeholders as UK and EU PFAS and EU polymer REACH regulations evolve, the preparation and update of technical dossiers and supporting strategic planning/advocacy to assist companies in navigating and influencing the evolving regulatory landscape.
Martyn is a chemist by training with a degree and D.Phil. from the University of York that had a focus on polymers and analysis. Following a post-doctoral position on polymers at the University of Surrey, Martyn moved to a fluoropolymer manufacturer where he held research, and process and product safety/stewardship roles for over two decades.
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Rachel is a Senior Consultant for Blue Frog Scientific with over 19 years’ experience in a number of leading companies in the Pharmaceutical and Tobacco industry as well as a short period as a Toxicologist in a regulatory affairs team primarily working on plant protection products. Rachel had carried out research as a Toxicologist and later went onto become a study director within the pharmaceutical industry and was responsible for pre-market stewardship on next generation products whilst working for a leading Tobacco company.
Rachel has a BSc in Toxicology from Napier University in Edinburgh, and a PgCert in Forensic Science from Strathclyde University.
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Amandine holds a PhD in Ecotoxicology from the University of Lyon in France. Following a post-doctoral position at the University of Liège in Belgium, she moved to Plant Protection Product Regulatory Affairs with 6 years experience as project coordinator within the French competent authority. Amandine is responsible for managing many of Blue Frog Scientific's Plant Protection Product Clients directly getting involved with all aspects, from regulatory strategies to representing the Clients at meetings with regulatory authorities and post submission advocacy.
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Emilie is a senior consultant for Blue Frog Scientific with strong experience with REACH regulation. Emilie holds a PhD in Ecotoxicology on nanomaterials. After doing academic research, she moved to REACH regulatory affairs with a first experience as project coordinator with french competent authority and then as a consultant to develop her knowledge on a large variety of dossiers in various industrial sectors. Throughout her career, Emilie acquired strong background in regulatory affairs, and also in technical skills such as data gap analysis, testing strategies, environmental hazard and risk assessment with REACH regulation.
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Susan is a Senior Consultant toxicologist within Blue Frog Scientific’s human safety team. Susan has an Honours Degree in Biochemistry from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth and a PhD in Reproductive Health from the University of Edinburgh. She started her career working in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutic manufacturing and testing services within virology where she gained experience performing both GLP and GMP compliant studies. She then moved to a preclinical CRO, where she specialised in managing developmental and reproductive (DART) toxicology studies as a Study Director. One of the company’s experts in DART, Susan applies her wealth of experience to provide high quality scientific, technical and project management input for clients.
OECD Webinars on Global PFAS Regulations
A useful update on global PFAS regulations was hosted by the OECD on 28th January 2025 covering Australia, UK and POPs that follows on from the Decemb...
The Blue Poison Dart Frog, Dendrobates tinctorius 'Azureus’. Frogs in the genus Dendrobatids include some of the most toxic animals on Earth.
Scientists are unsure of the source of poison dart frogs' toxicity, but it is possible they assimilate plant poisons which are carried by their prey, including ants, termites and beetles.
The medical research community has been exploring possible medicinal uses for some poison dart frog poison. They have already developed a synthetic version of one compound that shows promise as a painkiller.
In short these frogs are amazing, coming up with innovative solutions for success, are talented chemists, expert in safely handling toxic substances and are beautiful to look at, just like our staff!